The Health and Safety of all our employees is of paramount importance to Rainbo, as is the safety of our clients, contractors and visitors, and members of the public with whom the operations of the company may come in contact.
Rainbo recognises the legal obligations placed on it by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other Statutory Legislation, as may be applicable to our undertaking.
Our Health and Safety documentation and records are kept at our Head Office premises and on our internal server and are freely accessible to all employees, and available upon request to all sub-contractors, visitors and members of the public and other person(s) who may be affected by our operations.
Employees are encouraged to ask questions on any Health and Safety related matter, raising these initially with the Health and Safety manager. It is a positive duty of all employees to voice any concerns or anxieties that they may have about the Company’s Health and Safety practices.
Rainbo will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the Health and Safety and Welfare at work of all employees and adhere to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Rainbo will show commitment to additional requirements set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 by:
- Carrying out suitable and sufficient written risk assessments.
- Putting in place and recording effective arrangements for the planning, organization, control, monitoring and review of health and safety measures in the workplace.
- Employing competent persons to help comply with health and safety duties.
- Developing suitable emergency procedures and ensuring that all employees are made aware of these procedures and how they should be applied.
- Providing health and safety information to employees and others who are sharing the same workplace such as sub-contractors.
- Providing health and safety information for any young persons working with Rainbo Supplies & Services Ltd on work experience.
- Cooperating in health and safety matters with other employees who share a workplace.
- Providing employees with adequate and relevant health and safety training.
- Providing any temporary workers with adequate health and safety information.
- Protecting new and expectant mothers and young persons from particular risks.
- Under certain circumstances, providing health surveillance for employees.
- Rainbo will also ensure to safeguard those not in their employment but who are affected by the undertaking of the company. This includes members of the public, clients, sub-contractors, visitors and students.
- The company will ensure that adequate financial resources are identified and made available with regards to health and safety and to invest in the training of its employees.
- This policy document explains in broad terms what must be done by everyone within Rainbo to achieve the objectives. Its aim is to provide a sound basis for the co-operation between management and employees, and is intended to encourage continuous improvements of our Health, Safety and Environmental performances.
The Rainbo Contractors’ employees’ duties are to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others affected by their acts or omissions.
To cooperate with the employer and others to enable them to fulfil their legal obligations, to use any equipment or substance in accordance with any training or instruction given by Rainbo, to report to Rainbo Supplies & Services Ltd any serious or imminent danger and to report any shortcomings in the employer’s protective health and safety arrangements.
The principal hazards of the company are physical hazards, working at heights and the maintenance and use of work equipment and machinery. Suitable and sufficient training will be given to employees to reduce the risk of these hazards, and health and safety audits will be carried out across the company to aid the reduction of hazards.
Chief Executive Officer, Rainbo Supplies & Services Ltd